Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Brexit - Smexit

A truly great Brexit

I read a great article the other day explaining why Brexit is just around the corner.

Unfortunately it was all complete nonsense. Then a very nice chap appeared on the news explaining how he was campaigning to protect EU citizens rights followed by another bright spark telling us that a lot of EU citizens could not vote in the recent elections because the UK government had not bothered to organise it properly.

Great confidence has been engendered.

It's sometimes hard not to scream at the TV.

I could not understand why the chap who was so concerned about EU citizens rights was not foaming at the mouth and railing at the government, the opposition, the European court of human rights, uncle Tom cobley and all and sundry other numpties.

He should find out who set the parameters for voting in the European referendum. What an odd election that was.  As well as I can remember the franchise included the people of Gibraltar, any Irish citizens who cared to turn out and citizens of the UK. Excluded were a large number of EU citizens normally resident in the UK and citizens of other countries who are normally resident, pay tax and national insurance, and receive benefits.

Having found out, he should be button-holing them instead of hobnobbing with the BBC.  

There was neither any sense of fair play or good sense in deciding the qualification to vote in the EU referendum. So, who did decide?

Google it!

I did - and it turns out it was none other than spreadsheet Phil.

What it doesn't tell us is why the franchise was so restricted.  

Surely, anyone who fulfills the above criteria should have had a vote.  Otherwise it is just ridiculous to keep mouthing duck--like the platitudes about the 17.4 million who voted to leave. Only if the vote is fair, honest and decided by the majority of people resident in the UK is it a real referendum.  

It was not.  

So, now we are chuntering along with no chance to leave on any terms except those negotiated by Theresa May.  No matter how the bakers dozen of leadership candidates tries to spin it - it is, as she often said, the only deal on offer.
What’s left to do?  Only a general election is likely to allow any progress.  But, the Tories are scared to death of the voters. And, with good cause after they were slaughtered by the Brexit Party in the Euro elections.

With no prospect of an election we stagger on to Halloween.  Woe, Woe and Woe again.

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