Thursday, May 16, 2019

Car Parks

Damn the Chelsea Tractors - full speed ahead!

In the news: Pensioner backed into wife while trying to get out of parking space.

Sounds funny, but it’s not. Poor old chap had to get in the car from the passenger side because there was not enough room to open the driver’s door. 

Accident ensued when he inadvertently started the car whilst it was in reverse – narrowly missed his wife and crashed into a parked car behind him. Ho! Ho!

Except it’s not quite that simple.

Readers everywhere in the UK are now remembering similar situations.


The main reason is because supermarkets, among others, try to cram in as many spaces as possible. In general there is not enough space allowed between cars. Now, add the Chelsea Tractors into the mix and you have a perfect storm of inadequate car parking space leading to car-park rage, dinged wings, smashed mirrors, unreported accidents and possible death my misadventure – or negligence.

I see this everyday when I go to Roys of Wroxham. Take two 4x4’s park them with an empty bay between them, stand back and watch the mayhem develop. No-one can open their door in this scenario. Tempers flare. Strange manoeuvrers ensue. Contortionists limber up.

Oddly, most of the opprobrium is usually heaped on people who park in disabled spaces illegally – or in the Parent and Child bays without a child in sight.

The real culprits are the planners who allow such a squeeze by the owners/operators and the lack of planning by the supermarkets. They do their customers no favours by cramming in extra spaces which cannot be used.

Solutions: special slots for Chelsea tractors, light vans and other wide vehicles; simply make the bays larger, even if this means you have less parking slots.

Put the customer first.

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