Big Tone Rides to the Rescue
abiding image from this week: Teresa may hovering wraith-like beneath
the throne in the House of Lords trying to insure that their
Lordships don't much mess with the bill providing for the triggering
of Article 50. I'm beginning to conflate her real visage with the
one I have in my head of the spitting-image Margaret Thatcher. They
are beginning to coalesce. It’s bit brightening if I'm honest.
in True Brit fashion the focus shifts to the machinations of the True
Believers and the Remoaners. Tony Blair has put himself forward as
the Remoaner-in-Chief. He replaces the Leader of the Liberal
Democrats (whose name escapes me – and indeed escapes the rest of
the country as well) Tone has begun to advocate the love that dare
not speak its name. He wants a second referendum. Or a third, or a
fourth, or a fifth?
managed to get our for a game of golf this week – yes the weather
was that good. (It won't last, believe me) My partners had coffee
and the discussion turned to Brexit, as it almost inevitably does
now-a-days. The lack of understanding of precisely how they are
governed as evidenced by the average British citizen always amazes
me. They just have not got a clue. Pressed, they did grudgingly
acknowledge that another referendum is possible, though not according
to them desirable. “You can't just keep having referendums until
you get the result you want!” was the mantra.
yes you can, should and probably will. Just ask the Scots who
correctly assert that they voted to stay in the Union because it
protected their EU rights. Now that the situation has changed, they
want another vote. At the end of the Article 50 process. the people
must have a vote on whether what ensues is what they want or not.
Another referendum must be held.
biggest mistake that David Whats-His-Name, you know Samantha’s
husband, ever made (and he made some doozies) was introducing the
idea that referenda are a good idea and a sensible way to govern the
country. Wrong on both counts. All he did was unite the Tory Party
behind a policy that he and the lovely Teresa and many others did not
believe in. Thanks, David. I really hope you get sleepless nights.
Many. Often.
voted to leave the EU. Fact. Why they voted the way they did was
unknown. Fact. Is the vote sacrosanct? No. Should it be? No.
advocating another referendum has become akin to legalising
paedophilia. Why should this be so?
down the public know that they were diddled; not just by Brexiteers
but by all sides. They cried out for meaningful facts on which to
base their judgement. St John crying in the wilderness had more
success. Now they people must cry out for a meaningful say in the
result of the negotiations. I think that is what Tone was saying,
but he is, of course, so toxic that the message is lost in vitriolic
his crime? He got Parliament to support him by hook or crook (a
policy which UK PM's have been following since Walpole) and he had
since made a lot of money pimping himself around the world.
The people must be given a chance to change their mind. Simples. To
oppose this is undemocratic. Simples.
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