Monday, January 14, 2019

Dad's Army Does Brexit

A very Private Frazer Brexit

Yes, folks, “we’re doomed, we’re doomed, we’re doomed” - famous catch phrase of John Laurie – know affectionately as Private James Frazer in that classic British Sitcom, Dad’s Army is now coming to pass.

If only he had not been quite so prophetic or prescient.

We now approach the real crunch. Latest predictions are Teresa will lose the Commons vote and lose spectacularly. Where do we go from there? Probably down the pan – and we are talking toilet here. Why? Mostly because the Tory Party has been at war with themselves over the EU for a very long time and many politicians have no other reason to exist than to carry on the crusade and get out of the EU. That’s just what they do.

Problem is: having achieved that they are now incapable of voting for any plan except the one they believe in. (And that includes both sides of the argument – for all sides are equally to blame for this mess – lest we leave anyone out don’t forget the Labour Party -led by Jeremy Corbin who does not and never has thought that the EU was/is a good idea – or the Liberal Democrats and Scottish Nationalists and the Democratic Unionist Party – all bit players but to whom some of the blame must be apportioned.) Of course, if there was a consensus around one plan, any plan that would solve the problem. Is that a flying pig I spy? If so, make sure you carry an umbrella for even flying pigs must defecate occasionally.

So what is to be done? Who knows, least of all Teresa May. Everyone says she must have a back-up plan – she just must. But what if she is telling the truth – it’s her deal or no deal. Sounds like just like another one of her famous sound bites – pleasing on the ear but without any real substance. Just perhaps her back-up plan is to not have a back-up plan. This could work. When she loses big in Wednesday’s vote, she just resigns and says, OK over to you guys now – I’m doing a David Cameron, I’m out of it – good luck to all!

Sounds far-fetched, improbably, unlikely, impossible? Don’t bet on it.

That notwithstanding, are there other viable alternatives?

Everybody has an idea so I’m entitled to mine.

Let’s have a new referendum – not just a re-run of the old one.

A Royal Commission would oversee the terms and the date.

Crucially, everyone who lives in the UK and pays UK Income tax and national insurance, everyone who is entitled to free care under the National Health and everyone who lives in the EU but pays UK Income tax would be eligible to vote.

We hear a lot about how 17.4 million people voted to leave. Yes, and their votes should count. We don’t hear about the millions of people who should have been allowed to vote and were not allowed. We need to hear their opinion and we need to hear it now.

How many old people (who mostly voted to leave) are not with us any more? How many young people who were not old enough to vote now can?

It is disingenuous to maintain that the result of the referendum is set in stone. That is a denial of democracy. We vote for a new government every five years. It is silly and stupid to demand that a one-time vote must be set in stone forever. Brexit did not come down on tablets from Sinai.

The essential quality of referenda is that they are mutable. That’s what a referendum is.

Get over it.

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