Trump Trumps All
Well, it's over.
After what must surely rank as the strangest, most polarized campaign
in history, Donald Trump is now the President-elect.
You have to go back
to Abraham Lincoln's election to find an equivalent shake-up to the
established order – and we all know where that led us.
Not since Dwight
Eisenhower, a war hero with extensive experience of “governing”
the most fragile coalition in history, has anyone entered the Oval
Office with less governmental experience. This may or may not be a
bad thing, but it is certainly unique.
First of all, how
did he do it? As more and more information becomes known, it seems
that almost anyone except Hillary could have won for the Democrats.
In many respects, she lost it more that he won it.
But, it cannot be
quite that simple. The fact is she got more votes, but he got
them were it mattered. In state after state, he won a majority by
simply not being Ms Clinton. Folks were not sure of much, other than
that they were fed up with the Establishment and wanted a change.
(Remind anyone of Brexit?). Out in the rust-belt where jobs have
gone overseas and the blue-collar has not been replaced by the white
collar the anger was thick and sloppy enough to cut with a dull
butter knife.The more the voters were told about the bullying tactics
of Trump, the misogamy, the crazy ideas and the lack of a coherent
plan, the less they seemed to care. They wanted change, almost any
change, and now they've got it.
I saw a quasi-poll
that had Bernie Sanders running The Donald a close race and maybe
winning. Why? Bernie was fresh, he was new, he was seen as a
outsider and he was saying unpalatable things that upset the
Establishment. Ditto The Donald.
Where do we go from
First, back to
Lincoln who told us that a house divided against itself cannot stand.
The protestors currently roaming the streets of New York, Chicago,
Seattle and other great cities must be heard, but they must not be
allowed to spoil the Trump victory with their vitriolic asserton that
they will not accept the result. That is not the American way.
Donald Trump has said he intends to be a President for all the
people. He must get a chance to deliver.
But, deliver what?
The parties all
publish their platforms. (In Britain they are called Manifestos.)
What was in the Republican platform and can they deliver it? Here's
what they said:
The establishment
of a pro-growth tax code as a moral imperative. We oppose
taxation. We condemn attempts by activist judges at any level of
government to seize the power of the purse from the people’s
elected representatives by ordering higher taxes. We oppose tax
policies that deliberately divide Americans or promote class warfare.
Because of the vital role of religious organizations, charities, and
fraternal benevolent societies in fostering generosity and
patriotism, they should not be subject
to taxation and
donations to them should remain deductible. To guard against
hypertaxation of the American people in any restructuring of the
federal tax system, any value added tax or national sales tax must
be tied to the simultaneous repeal of the Sixteenth Amendment.
(Income Tax – my interjection and explanation)
to switch to a territorial system of taxation so that profits
earned and axed abroad may be repatriated for job-creating
investment here at home. We believe American companies should be
headquartered in America.
they would say that wouldn't they. All parties say they are going to
simplify the tax system, and raise more money whist actually cutting
rates. It's what parties do. I remember The Donald telling the
voters that the national debt had to be cut. How? When? Where?
financial markets
The Republican vision for American banking calls for establishing
transparent, efficient markets where consumers can obtain loans they
need at reasonable rates based on market conditions.
Hard to argue with this one
– you might as well argue against Mom's apple pie. As usual the
devil is in the detail.
transport infastructure
Our country’s investments in transportation and other public
construction have traditionally been non-partisan. Everyone agrees on
the need for clean water and safe roads, rail, bridges, ports, and
airports. President Eisenhower established a tradition of Republican
leadership in this regard by championing the creation of the
interstate highway system. In recent years, bipartisan cooperation
led to major legislation improving the nation’s ports and
This looks like one of the
key points that President Trump is going to be able to move on and
move on quickly. Infastructure means improved competitiveness for
business and lots of construction jobs for Trump supporters. Dare I
mention The New Deal – or will many Republicans faint if I do?
the Future: America’s Electric Grid:
nation’s interstate electric transmission system has long been a
catalyst for developing and delivering low cost energy while spurring
economic growth throughout the United States. The grid is aging,
vulnerable to cyber and terrorist threats, and unprepared to serve
our energy needs of tomorrow.
the infastucture comments. Add the shale gas and the coal question.
Can Trump find common ground with West Virginia miners and new-age,
mega-bucks shale gas drillers?
Century: Small Business and Entrepreneurship
A central reason why the 20th century came to be called the American
Century was the ability of individuals to invent and create in a land
of free markets. Back then they were called risk-takers, dreamers,
and small business owners. Today they are the entrepreneurs,
independent contractors, and small business men and women of our new
economy. Their innovation drives improvement. . .
Standard Republican fare
here extolling
the virtues of laissez-faire capitalism. But, when we are competing
with countries who do not subscribe to this economic model, chiefly
the Chinese, it does seem a bit pie-in-the-sky. Interestingly, it
seems that the entrepreneurs of small-town America may have been the
source of Trump's
votes in states
like Michigan, Pennsylvania
and Ohio.
Freedom for a 21st Century Workforce
(Republicans are
traditionally anti-union or at least as ambivalent towards organised
labor as the Conservative Party in the UK)
greatest asset of the American economy is the hard-working American.
That is why our first priority is getting people back to work by
fostering the kind of growth that creates jobs.
argue with this! Just tell us what it means.
Federal Workforce Serving the People
We urge Congress to bring federal compensation and benefits in line
with the standards of most American employees. A Republican
administration should streamline personnel procedures to expedite the
firing of bad workers, tax cheats, and scammers. The unionization of
the federal workforce, first permitted by Democrat presidents in the
1960s, should be reviewed by the appropriate congressional committees
to examine its effects on the cost, quality, and performance of the
civil service. Union representatives in the federal workforce should
not be paid to conduct union business on the public’s time.
Standard Republican ideas.
the Federal Debt
We must impose firm caps on future debt, accelerate the repayment of
the trillions we now owe in order to reaffirm our principles of
responsible and limited government, and remove the burdens we are
placing on future generations. A strong economy is one key to debt
reduction, but spending restraint is a necessary component that must
be vigorously pursued.
Hard to square this one
with the promise of infastructure improvements. In common with all
governments, the reduction in debt is really tied to pie-in-the-sky
improvements in the overall economy. If this happens debt can be
repaid. If not?
the People
We reaffirm the Constitution’s fundamental principles: limited
government, separation of powers, individual liberty, and the rule
of law. We denounce bigotry, racism, anti-Semitism, ethnic
prejudice, and religious intolerance. Therefore, we oppose
discrimination based on race, sex, religion, creed, disability, or
national origin and support statutes to end such discrimination.
As the Party of Abraham Lincoln, we must continue to foster
solutions to America’s difficult challenges when it comes to race
relations today.
Anyone against this one? I
should hope not.
The rule of law is the foundation of our Republic. A critical
threat to our country’s constitutional order is an activist
judiciary that usurps powers properly reserved to the people through
other branches of government. Only a Republican President will
appoint judges who respect the rule of law expressed within the
Constitution and Declaration of Independence, including the
inalienable right to ife and the laws of nature and nature’s God,
as did the late Justice Antonin Scalia. We are facing a national
crisis in our judiciary. We understand that only by electing a
Republican President in 2016 will America have the opportunity for
up to five new constitutionally-minded Supreme Court justices
appointed to fill vacancies on the Court. Only such appointments will
enable courts to begin to reverse the long line of activist
decisions — including Roe, Obergefell, and the Obamacare cases —
that have usurped Congress’s and states’ lawmaking. . .
This is a tough one.
Reading it one way,
you could be excused for thinking that the Republican party has lost
its sense of the historical, constitutional process. The
makes it clear that the three branches,
President, Congress and the Judiciary are co-equal. Any attempt by
any party to tamper with this principle is not only bound to fail but
will simply garner the opprobrium of the American people. Even FDR
found this out when he tried to pack the Supreme Court to get his New
Deal legislation passed.
Reading it
another way, it is true that the President can nominate Supreme Court
judges who he thinks will see things his way. (This doesn't always
work) Congress will scrutiize their appointment. The Donald made
great pay in the campaign about Hillary appointing Supreme Court
judges and how this must be opposed. He may well
get some of his
own medicine.
We call on Congress to begin reclaiming its constitutional powers
the bureaucratic state by requiring that major new federal
regulations be approved by Congress before they can take effect, such
as through the Regulation Freedom Amendment.
That's the way it's
supposed to work. Just need to know what “major” is?
Marriage Against an Activist Judiciary
Traditional marriage and family, based on marriage between one man
and one woman, is the foundation for a free society and has for
millennia been entrusted with rearing children and instilling
cultural values.
This echoes Roe v Wade –
another part of the circle which is going to be difficult to square
as many of Trump'ssupporters will not, I believe, support restictions
on either gay marriage or abortion. States rights?
It has always surprised me
that either and/or both political parties seem to want to legislate
public morality. Did they not learn from the Prohibition debacle?
On a personal level, I
oppose on-demand abortion. But, I don't believe I have the right to
impose my morality on others. The Republican-led federal government
should stay out of the morality game. They can't win.
First Amendment Religious Liberty
We pledge to defend the
religious beliefs rights of conscience of all Americans and to
safeguard religious institutions against government control.
First Amendment: - Constitutionally Protected Speech
We believe the forced funding
of political candidates through union dues and other mandatory
contributions violates the First Amendment. Just as Americans have a
First Amendment right to devote resources to favored candidates or
views, they have a First Amendment right not to be forced to
individually support individuals or ideologies that they oppose. We
agree with Thomas Jefferson that “To compel a man to furnish
contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he
disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.
Fairly typical Republican
anti-union stuff here; however I agree – except workers who benefit
from “closed-shop” agreements lawfully entered into by unions and
employers, Workers can not opt-out simply to become cheap-skates!
BTW the sound you may hear is Jefferson spinning rapidly in his grave
when he is the subject of praise from a party whose ideas he would
certainly oppose if he were alive.
Second Amendment: Our Right to Keep and Bear Arms
We oppose ill-conceived laws
that would restrict magazine capacity or ban the sale of the most
popular and common modern rifle.
Nonsense. I support the
Second Amendment. I do not believe the right to bear arms is
unqualified. I'm presuming this is in the platform to pander to the
NRA. This is a good example of why some people voted for Trump.
People supported him for a variety of reasons.
Fourth Amendment: Liberty and Privacy
Affirming the Fourth
Amendment “right of the people to be secure in their houses,
papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures,”
we call for strict limitations on the use of aerial surveillance on
U.S. soil, with the exception of patrolling our national borders for
illegal entry and activity.
Typical politicians fudge.
No unreasonable searches except when we think it's a good idea.
Fifth Amendment: Protecting Human Life
. . . we assert the sanctity
of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental
right to life which cannot be infringed.
As I said, I support this
philosophically, but it is a classic example of “Lord make me holy!
(But not quite yet, please!)
Fifth Amendment: Protecting Private Property
We call on Congress and state
legislatures to enact reforms to protect law-abiding
citizens against abusive asset
forfeiture tactics.
if applied sensibly. Not sensible if large landowners are allowed to
milk the public purse.
Fifth Amendment: Intellectual Property Rights
Today, the worst offenses
against intellectual property rights come from abroad, especially in
China. We call for strong action by Congress and a new Republican
president to enforce intellectual property laws against all
infringers, whether foreign or domestic.
Trump has already strongly
hinted that the party is over for the Chinese. Good. Easy, quick
and poular policy – except for the fact that they might ask for the
debt to be repaid, like now.
Ninth Amendment: The People’s Retained Rights
We welcome to our ranks all
citizens who are determined to reclaim the rights of the people that
have been ignored or usurped by the federal and intrusive state
suspect that
what they mean
is the things that they don't like.
Tenth Amendment: Federalism as the Foundation of Personal Liberty
“The powers not delegated
to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the
states, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
States rights? Not again,
surely! The Congress must not attempt to usurp the powers of the
Supreme Court.
Elections and the Electoral College
oppose the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact and any other
scheme to abolish or distort the procedures of the Electoral College.
I agree, despite the fact
that Clinton won the popular vote. Remember Lincoln only won the
popular vote in 1860 because he was not on the ballot in many
southern states. The electoral college is a guarantee of state's
legitimate rights.
Elections and the Right to Vote
In order to preserve the
principle of one person, one vote, we urge our elected
representatives to ensure that citizenship, rather than mere
residency, be made the basis for the apportionment of representatives
among the states.
The rest of the platform is
really just a list of aims and ideas. Nothing wrong with that but it
does occupy more than half of the platform pages with waffle.
When the dust settles what
have we got?
A Republican President and a
Republican controlled Congress should be able to get things done.
People will be waiting, not very patiently, for them to get on with
it. All Presidents get 100 days to get moving. President Trump will
be no different. He has already hinted that big things are going to
happen. Can he turn the rhetoric into action? The Speaker of the
House, Paul Ryan, has said he is ready to seize the initiative, work
with the adiministration and get things moving. Can he carry the
house with him?
In the Senate it's 48 Dems and
52 Repubs. Trump should have support in the Senate, but Senators are
notorious for their independence. Could be interesting.
The same can be said for the
Supreme Court. Congress should be able to ratify any Trump nominees,
but any really overt political ones may have problems.
Bottom Line
I'm encouraged by most of the
noises coming out of the President-elect's camp. Perhaps the reality
of his achievement has just sunk in, but he certainly looks and
sounds more presidential. He wants to be everyone's President and
although all Presidents-elect say that I'm prepared to give him the
benefit of the doubt. Only time will tell if he can bridge the gulf
between rhetoric and reality. Perhaps, as a reality TV star he will
find it easy. Somehow I've got my doubts.
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