Monday, December 13, 2021

Half Dreaming Edit Two

I'm half asleep or maybe half dreaming

A fragment, sometimes a little more

Of a remarkable poem hoves into view 

But, before I can rouse myself 

It disappears into misty reverie 

And the moment is lost

Only the poignant memory remains. 

In that moment all things 

Become possible or perhaps not quite so ridiculous 

We swirl towards the black hole at the center of our universe 

Enmeshed in ancient memories of 

Bandy legs and coarser whiskers 

About the fire, eyes moist and gleaming 

While the little ones drool expectantly 

And the rat fat sizzles in the fire 

As wreaths of pungent smoke spiral to the zenith 

Low growls from a wolf-like companion 

Help to congeal the clan and all things become possible

As another day dawns