The most
entertaining take on the Presidential race this week was from Niall
Ferguson, writing in the Sunday Times under the headlline: Serial
lecher Trump finally blows up. But that's not why he deserves to
He compares the
candidates to mobile phones. “Donald Trump is the Samsung Galaxy
Note 7 of US politics – a phone so hurriedly assembled that it
spontaneously combusts. That would make Hilary Clinton the iPhone7.
She's essentially the same as your current President but harder to
connect to and with inferior email security. . . . The American
public is fascinated by Trump, but in the way people are fascinated
by a really gruesome car crash. It is bad enough to boast that you
have groped women. It is fatal to deny it only to have numerous
women appear within days to state that oh yes you did. In March, I
observed that Trump's “caveman politics” was based on a deeply
phoney machismo. A man who has to reassure the world about the size
of his genitals is not macho he wrote.
Yet it will be
tragic if history records that Trump lost the 2016 election because
he confessed to, and was then accused of, sexual assault that he then
denied. . . . After all we have had sexually hyperactive Presidents
before. Quite apart from the dalliances of Bill Clinton, recall the
priapism of JFK, still among the most revered Presidents in US
(I interject the
following from Wikipedia, "" But Warren G. Harding is really in a
category of his own. No other philandering chief executive had the
29th president’s way with words (he termed the vagina of one of his
mistresses “Mrs. Pouterson”) or his sense of scenery (he and Nan
regularly had sex in a White House closet). And, as was underscored
this week, when news broke that Harding did in fact father a child
with Britton as she had claimed, no other was quite as reckless with
his libido."")
The reason we should pray for Trump to lose is not for the future safety of female air
travellers or beauty queens, but for the future security of the
western world. . . the most shocking aspect of the Trump campaign is
not the revelation that he is a serial sexual harasser, but rather
that he is the dupe, if not the pawn of the Russian President,
Vladimir Putin.
As November 8th
approaches, the mud-slinging will intensify. So, will the cyber-warfare. And the more complicated the allegations become, the more
voters will tune out and make their decision on the basis of
feelings, rather than facts that they no longer trust.
The scariest thought
of all is that if they don't like the ultimate result, they won't
trust that either. For proof that this election is rigged, download
the Sputnik app to your smartphone today.”
Niall may be
correct, but if not he is at least very entertaining!